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SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP Every Sunday morning, Baker Chapel is the and Miss Dorothy Nyland who is the Secremry of scene of a living Christian faith. Students from all the Women's Division of Christian Service of the denominations gather to worship God and enter Methodist Church into discussions on pertinent religious questions of This year, a number of the Fellowship formed our day a choir under the direction of Betty Parsons nnd Hearriesr congratulations lift in order for a tre- provided special music for several meetings. Re- mendous job well done by this yeu's Sunday Fel- ligious music was stressed during the year in a lowship Cabinet. Under the comperenr leadership variety of ways. The Male Glee Club made its first of President Kenny Shook, it provided a wide appearance at the December 9 Fellowship meeting variety of programs and acriviries which everyone with an inspiring service of song, and the offering enjoyed received that Sunday went to buy Christmas boxes For Homecoming, the Fellowship made a dis- for the needy. Car! Yount gave a violin recital play, and on that Sunday, Dr. Eugene Makosky that proved ro be a wonderful way 10 stan another spoke on "The Great Homecoming." For Armistice Sunday Day, Col. Redfield, Head of R.O.T.C. spoke on On Mother's Day, red and white carnations "War and Peace" from a religious view. Other were given to everyone, The year ended very suc- guest speakers included Dr. Hazzard and Dr. Titus cessfully with the Annual Spring Picnic, and a from the Seminary, Dr. Holthouse, Dr. Crain, Dr great deal of fun was had by all. Huber, Dr. George Wills, Rev. Edmund lippy, FirJ! row: J. Parker, B. Callas, K_Mclaughlin, D. Reck, M. L. Mumford, D. Makosky,M. Martin, E. Wah, R. Callendar, E. Simpson. H_ Ernst. E. Schubert, L. Lee, 1. Pope. N. McWilliams, K. Shook. A. Collins. Second roll': G. Meckley, R. Lee, K Reuhl Third rOI<': K. Nowack. R. Langrall. Dr. Crain. E. Parson,. 135
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