Page 140 - YB1952
P. 140
WESLEYANS WESLEY ANETTES The Wes[eyans is a A group of college women interested in either who plan to enter the full or part-time Christian service meet every other in some field of full-time Friday night in rhe home of Mrs. Lester Welliver, membership of this group wife of the President of the Westminster Theol- twenty. ogical Seminary, who has advised the group for the Dr. Milton J. Huber as advisor to rbe group, which meets each evening at 10:00 past three years. o'clock in the Upper Room the Westminster In an effort to understand the different phases Seminary. The first friday of each momh is desig- of Christian service, speakers from the various nated as a business meeting followed by a brief fields have spoken to the group in its meetings. worship service lind the other meetings are Among other il.(tivities, the Wesleyanettes pre- emily conducted by individual members, thus ing quite a variety of programs pared a basket for the needy at Christmas time. prepared ,I The Wesleyans recently conducted a Together wirh the they at Rev. Bill Cook's church in Curtis also arc being made for other deputations mas. The Wesleyans sometimes join the Wesleyan- erres in fellowship and fun, as was done at OUf hearing Christmas parry held at the home of [he Welliver"s from the tWO foreign students in the group The WesJeyrms worked cooperatively with [he The officers for the year included Doris Reck, Wesleyaneues on the Homecoming project. president; Rosalie Quo, vice-president, and Berry During the first semester the organization func- Niemann,secrewry-treasurer. tioned under the leadership of C Rill, president; H. Johnson, vice-president; E. Schaben, secretary- Knee/;"g: B. Simpson, T. Kamiyama, C. Neal. M. Earl, N. McWilljarn~, D. Krug, E. Hohman, R. Cahlander Sealed on Jtep,: K. Nowack, L Schubert, B. Warner, E. Mayrrcn, M. Jane Munsen,]. Spatz.S. Da Siiva, S. Edwards, K. McLaughlin, F. Paul, P Johnston, M. Eckhart. SlalldĀ· ing: R. Otto. D. Reck. B. Niemann
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