Page 138 - YB1952
P. 138
STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The SeA has had one of its most active and devotions, worship for group meetings and meaningful years under [he forceful leadership of services. The adoption of an orphan and or- [he president Ira Zepp. Beginning with the rra- of rhe foreign students was effected by dirional Freshmen Vesper Service on [he hill World Relatedness Commission under the overlooking Hoffa Field, (he SeA continued guidance of Kay Nowack. The Social responsibility throughout the year to plan programs which were Commission headed by Estelle Zies studied various inspirational and stimuhuing [0 each individual. problems and took action organizing the Bob Mickey from Franklin and Marshall Col- Negro nursery school, aiding children and lege spoke lind spear-headed the discussion at the m;lintaining a daily news board. SeA week-end, October 6. At the beginning of Wesrern Maryland shared in Christian fellow- second semester Mr. David Soper from Beloit, ship wirh many other colleges ar conferences at Wisconsin, pivoted a Religious Emphasis Week Camp Michaux and Hood. Bob Leather and Jim speaking at chapel and at informal discussion Toni attended the Srudenr Volunteer Movemenr Quadrennial at Lawrence, Kansas, during the groups All of [he separate religious Christmas holidays. an imc,8rai part of the SeA; each With the skill of Kay Mclaughlin, the rive on rhe cabinet. This Collins, rhe artistic ralent night a momh was set aside commission meet- of vice-president Cor- ings. Nell Hughes, chairman of rhe Personal and inne Schofield, the ideas from the new freshman Campus Affairs Commission, planned var-ied Fire- represenrnnves, Paul Gavin and Mary Jane Mun- side Meetings and recreational nrrivirics. The son, and rhe guidance of our adviser Dr. Crain, Christian Faith and He-ir.rgc Commission under the SCA forwarded Christian principles on rhe the leadership of Betty Parsons planned morning campus and aided (he inrerprermion of God's will 134
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