Page 134 - YB1952
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•• First row: B. Bankson, D. Schmidt, J. Loper, B. Tipton, E. Simpson, M. LesCaHetre, K row: H. Ernst, P. Johnston, L. Lee, M. L Mumford, K. Mcl.aughl!n, A_ Myers, D Makosky, L Weybrighr, J. Clark, J. Dougherty, K. Nowack, B_ Warner, G. Mechtiy. ARGONAUTS It may be dangerous to shift horses in mid- February 20, 1952-The "Argo" has been in stream, but the Argonauts found it helpful this dry-dock for two months receiving a complete year. For rhe first semester we had a drab and remodeling and a new paint job. Today the mutilated symbol of the "Argo" This failed to refurbished boat appeared at the Argonaut's annual Tea for faculty and honor Students. The inspire us to prepare programs. When the new guests were entertained with modern music "Argo", built by Betty Simpson and Libby Schu- played by Karl Younr, Betsy Jones and lois bert, was unveiled at the Argonaut Tea on Febru- Cermak. ary 20, its color and dash seemed to arouse us !O March 17-Dr. Schilling led a discussion of acticn.Tn quick succession, we had three programs, "The Communist Manifesto" in a joint meeting sponsored a movie, and held our banquet. For of the Aegonnurs and the lR.C. some of the details of our progrnffi, we have April 7-The Argonauts enjoyed wrkey and all printed excerpts from the 195L-52 LOG of the the trimmings at their banquet. Dr. Carl Bode "Argo". of rhe University of Maryland, was the honored speaker. Fourteen senior members were for- Oct. 22, 1951-Today the Argonauts heard a mally inducted as Fellows of (he Argonaut So- lecture by Mr. Mnhlon F. Peck called the "Im- c!ety. portance of Science in Today's World" November 28-ArgofllHltS Shoemaker, Bankson, May 12-As the "Argo" came into POrt today, LesCallette, Tullai, and Makosky presented an the officers shouted, 'Three cheers for our gal- informal panel discussion to the Freshman CbS5 lant crew! and added Hats Off! to rhe faculty on 'The Techniques of Studying" advisers, Dr. Isanogle and Dr, Ridingron 130
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