Page 136 - YB1952
P. 136
Left to right: A. Tonelson, H. Ernst, K. Youm, I. Zepp, R. Lee, A. Grandea, Dr. Reuben Holthaus. ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA The lora Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the At the beginning of the second semester, five national honorary fraternity in philosophy, was more students were installed as new members. At established at W.M.C. in April, 1949, by a grcop this time, Jerry Grandea, Arthur Saltmi!rsh, \X'es- of interested college students. The purpose of this ley Gebhard, Jane Hisle, and Dorothy Bliss became fraternity is to recognize excellence in the study members of the fraternity. of philosophy and allied subjects. and to develop An interesting discussion was held in March on an interest in philosophical discussion. Dr. Reuben the topic of "Existentialism" With the assistance S. Holthaus, chairman of the department of Phil- of Dr. Holthaus, and Dr. Charles Crain, the re- osophy, is faculty advisor to the Iota Chapter. ligion professor, the group developed a keener Due to [he limited membership this yeur, some insight into the philosophy of existence of the fraternity's activities have been hampered During April the fraternity planned a joint The year began officially with the installation of meeting with the local chapter of AKA at Gettys- five new members, at the December meeting, in burg College. the home of Dr. Holthaus. At the meeting, also, Also, in the latter parr of April, Alpha Kappa officers for the year were elected. Ira Zepp was Alpha held its annual convention to which the elected president, Karl Yount, vice-president, and fraternity sent a delegate Rudy Lee, secretary. 132
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