Page 135 - YB1952
P. 135
TRI-BETA Beta Beta Beta is a society for students of the urer Prof. C. L. Benninghof. There is a total mem- biological sciences. It seeks to encourage scholarly bership of twenty-three nnninmenc in this field of learning by reserving The Milton H. Hendrickson Memorial Scholar- its membership for those who achieve superior ship Fund is awarded yearly (Q a deserving rnem academic records and chose who indicate special ber of Tri.Beta. This scholarship offers to the aptitude for the subject of Biology. member assistance for summer school in some field Bera Beco Beta is an affiliated society of the of biology he or she is interested in. This slimmer American Association for the Advancement of work is taken in one of several Field Experimental Science, bencr known as the Triple AS. Its nn- Srarions in the country. nonal president is Dr. L. M. Bertholf Dean, Pro- In rbe latter parr of December of 195 L, the fessor of Biology, College of the Pacific, Stockton, National Convention of the Triple AS met in Calif. Dr. Bertholf was a member of our faculty Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to discuss various The Chapter at Western Maryland is rhe Alpha phases pertinent to Biological Sciences, attended Mu Chapter. Its officers are: President J;!ck Loper, by several representatives from the Western Mary- Vice-President Dorothy Shoemaker, Secretary land Chapter. Lionel Lee, Historian Michael Chirigos, 'Freas- 131
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