Page 63 - YB1951
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FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA Prospective teachers on campus have banded realm of job opportunities in the teaching field. together in the formation of a pre-professional Authorities met with the group and presented organization known as the Isanoglc Chapter of [acts on athletics in the school program and the the Future Teachers of America. merits of the teaching profession. As the first meeting of the organization this The newly formed projects committee came year the chapter elected officers: president, Herb forth with an original and startling display-the Klinger; vice-president, Peggy Kerns; recording organization's contribution to the Mid-Century secretary, Pat Mcl.eren ; corresponding seore- exu-avaganxa. tary, Mary Bankert; and treasurer, Ed Rydzewski. The group was successful this year in the writ It's been a busy year from the outset. A pro- ing of a constitution which reflects the purposes gram committee was formed to arrange a pro- and scope of the organization. Stars were added gram for each monthly meeting that would be to the crown of accomplishments when three stu- stimulating, interesting, and of value to the pros- dents were elected as delegates to the state com- pective teacher. The initial program was a panel mittee of Future Teachers. Jacqueline Brown discussion by local junior and senior high school and Janet Hering represented our chapter at the students who answered with wit and fluency the state meeting. multitude of questions which members posed to The organization looks to the future with plans them concerning desirable and undesirable of promoting the formation of an FTA club at teacher qualities, teaching methods and educa- Westminster High School. tion in general. An arts and crafts demonstration And so, the Future Teachers of America look constituted a colorful program. The national sec- hack on three years of service at Western Mary- retary of the FT A and the Associate Editor of land and look forward to the future with youth. the NEA Journal spoke to the organization on ful enthusiasm. Being only three years old, the the vital issue of federal aid to education. Still F'T A has many more years in which to expand another program was designed to explore the and accomplish big things. First row: J. Lambert, C. Jan~cy. P. Shear, B. Duvall. J. Schmidt, A. Yea-ley, H. Klinger, J. Phipps, B. Tipton. N. Walker, l. Weybright, L. BIrdsall, M. B. Shawn. D. Lien. Second row: D. Phillips. 1\1. K. \Vills, P. Timmons J. Brown. A. yan Order,.I. Hoyt. D., H. Wiley. B. J\'IcWilliallls: A. ,1I!eyers, L. Schubert, J. Beaver. A. Chamher: lin, M. Hawkllls, V. Hale, i\J. R. Wilhams, C. Neal. N. Lawson, B. SImpson, J. H,:ring. Dr. Ligget!. Third TOW; P. Huddle, 1\'1. LesCallelle, 1. Molesworth, M. Tullai, B. Simpson, Coaeh Havel\$. 59
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