Page 65 - YB1951
P. 65
K1lee/i1lg: 1. Vhigcle, M. Laux, B. Callender, P. Ray. 51(",'[i"8: A Allen, L. Rollins, .I. Cross Re(Jr: D. Bomgardner. B. PfOlllz, Caplain CHEERLEADERS MAJORETTES Enthusiusm, pcp, and the arresting green and A welcome addition was made to our football gold school spirit exemplifies WMC's cheer- season in 1948 when the Majorette Corps first leaders. For the fifth consecutive year the coeds, made its appearance at \Vestern Maryland assisted by two energetic men, have successfully College. led the Terror yells on both the football field Under the direction of the leader, Peggy Haz- and the basketball court. The 1951 football sea- lett, the corps expanded the following year to son was initiated with the traditional pre- three members and their activity functioned dur- Gettysburg pcp rally in Alumni Han, and the ing the football season. This year the corps was police-escorted student invasion into Westmin- uniformed in green and gold sarin. ster. We still have an occasional chuckle over 1950 brought four new members to the corp the "save your Confederate dollars, boys, the making a total of six members, Under the lead- South will rise again" skits which accompanied ership of co-captains Ionn Brengle and Ina Grice all the pep rallies held in Alumni Hall. Then the corps enjoyed a good season and performed there were the after dinner rallies on the porch at all the pep rallies and the football games. of Old Main, the snake lines "down town," and The six pretty lassies who entertain so ably the cold windy trek to the 7th Green to burn at half time during the football season have the effigy of "Old Man Hopkins." Such memories worked out numerous twiding routines includ- bring pangs oI reminiscent melancolia to each ing- acrobatic stunts and duet twirling. (graduating) student. Hats off to "the team be- Next year the girls hope to enlarge the corps hind the crowd behind the team," our vivacious to include a Iow pom-pom girls. With their color- cheerleaders, who helped to make possible all iul uniforms and flashing batons they eontrib- these things. uted to the pep and spirit of the football season. Left 10 right: .loennc Gabriele, Mary Alice AmQSS,Joan Brengle, Ina Grice, Joan Burkelew, Dot Hedaecker. 61
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