Page 64 - YB1951
P. 64
First row; Jeane Hoyt, Chllrloll.; Jauney, Peggy Brown, Alice Yeadey, Grice, Nancy Win kelmllll, :Marty Buchman, Mary Ruth WiIIilllllS. Second row: Jinny Hale. Joan Brengle, Nell Hughes, Bobby Davison. W.A.A. BOARD CAMERA CLUB The Women's Athletic Association is an organ- "To aid and benefit, by mutual cooperation, ization of women students to promote good those interested in photography in and around sportsmanship, greater interest in sports, and the campus," With this aim in mind we began increased intramural activities. the year under the capable leadership of Maurice Following a round robin series of games, the Cubberley, president; Robert Fraser, vice-presi- traditional freshmen party was held at which dent; Josephine Kohner, secretary; and Dale awards were presented to all deserving women. Townsend, treasurer, Basketball season was fortified with more than We began our program with a review of the the usual number of extra-mural games which basic principles of picture making by the use of did a lot to arouse school interest. A hoard mem- illustrated slide lectures, demonstrations, and ber was the Western Maryland representative at movies, Adequate photographic facilities were a AFCW conference at Hood College. provided in our dark 1'00111 in the basement of While the coke business was still booming, McKinstry Hall for use by any club member. board members added another responsibility to Early in the fall work was begun on our Home- their duties by selling sandwiches. This project coming display which was erected in front of was incorporated in order to raise money to send McKinstry Hall. Later we began making Christ- two student representatives to the Eastern Dis- mas cards with campus scenes. trict Association of the American Association for In February a "portrait meeting" was held Health, Physical Education and Recreation held where everyone tried his luck at taking "like- in New York during the last part of April. nesses" of some of the members. The results were The Women's Student Government Associa brought to the following meeting where they tion and Women's Athletic Association held a were discussed and criticized. joint open meeting in March to present the ath- The biggest event of the year was our spring letic final honor award. motor trip touring surrounding scenic mountains. Seated; Allan Albert. Jo Kohner, [Joh Frazer, Maurice Cubberiy, Dale Townsend, Evelyn Hoy"'. Stallding: Rill Shoemaker. Dick Leighlon, Larry Loper. Bob Wd- son, George Jones. 60
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