Page 66 - YB1951
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Firs' row; Dod!c Arnold, Dollie Schmidl, Chuck Hammaker, Anna L~e Pll'r~, Donna Kohl, 1\1ary Hawkins, Harry McCrone, Mickie Rupert. Second row; Hoger Aui1, Pal l'rIcLarcn, J\IISS Snuth, Dave Heiberg, Betty Bachtell, Mr. Baiky, Phyllis Cromwell. COLLECE PLAYERS The College Players had the privilege of giv- endless number of qualities remain a guarantee ing their first performance in this school year for good work by The College Players. Miss to help launch Western Maryland's Mid-Century Smith as teacher, director and coach relies Advance Campaign. Oscar Wilde's "The Impor- ~reatly on the excellent staging of her assistant, tance of Being Earnest" was seen by a capacity 0011 Bailey. More than that, Don is now teach- Homecoming audience and accepted with loud ing in the Dramatic Art department. acclaim. "Professor" Don Bailey's inspired scene Following the precendent of previous years, designs were striking accompaniments to the fine the Juniors presented a group of three one-act performances. Not a few vowed they were the plays in March. They were: a comedy by Cordon finest sets ever made on College Hill. Alderman, "Dots and Dashes"; "Red Peppers," A vastly different but beautiful dramatic pre- bv Noel Coward; and "Riders to the Sea" with sentation lifted a thrilled audience from the an "overpowering mood of tragedy" by J. M_ everyday world into the world of the first Christ- Synge. mas at the traditional Christmas Vesper Service. A most successful year came to a close with "The Christmas Story ill Sculpture" (five scenes the production of "The Madwoman of Chaillot" with a narrator) proved to be an actor's experi- by Jean Giraudaux and adapted by Maurice ence that will long be remembered. Valency at commencement. With this perform- If the Players can claim any success at nll, it ance also ends the three years of invaluable is for the greater .part due to one person, Miss training of the Senior College Players. Though Esther Smith. Her deep personal concern for this formal association must be concluded, the her proteges; the endless nights spent trying to unnumbered hours spent in lessons, rehearsals, find an answer to a student actor's problem or and performances, the trips together to see pro- the selection of the "right" play ; thoughts, sug- fesaional stage presentations, will be aillong the gestions and criticisms given out in truth and most. cherished memories from the four years at sincerity as from a master's soul; the philosophy Western Maryland College. that permeates the classes; these along with an 62
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