Page 111 - YB1950
P. 111
SUNDAY SCHOOL In 1872, William G. Bakel said, 'There the class visited the many churches of \Vesl shall be a Sunday SdlOOI class" and there minster as a project, thaI. we might compare was a Sunday School class. And there is a them to form a basis for a discussion on Sllllday School class. church unification. This class welcomes all srudcrus of all The Sunday School has sponsored more denominations. activities rhis year than ever bdore. In the The cabinet, advised by Dr. Charles S fall, we hiked LO Tramp Hollow, "the long Crain. and presided over by Eva Mac Davis, way." A similar picnic was held in the spring. P·residenl, provided interesting discussions on Due 10 uie benevolent spirit of the Christmas current interests such as church symbolism, party, Sarna Claus was able to conu-Ihurc a church music, pacifism, communism, and mis- sizable sum to the 'World Studenr Service sions. Fund. Composed of twenty members, the Sunday Two Sundays' offerings were collected for School Choir, directed by Charles Shook, western Maryland's March or Dimes cant enriched many programs. paign. Led by the cabinet, whose other members As an annual event, we held a Mothers: Day were Lincoln Justice, Vice-Pvcsulcnt, Joyce progTam, giving red and white carnations 10 Parker, Womell's Vice-President, Dorothy :lll present. Shindle, SeCl"Clmy-Trcasure-r, and councilors A hill-top worship service cfimaxcrl the Elinor Price, Marshnll Simpson, and Ira Zcpp, year's progTll.Ill. Fi,:,/ row: L. JIl.'Hi<:e, J. Parker, E. '\1. Davis, n. Shindle, Prof. C. Crain. St;W",/ 1""',': ~(. Simp;;on. L Price. T. Zcpp 107
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