Page 107 - YB1950
P. 107
BETA BETA BETA The Alpha Mu Chapter or Bela Bela Beta, mot ron PlctUI"CS. parlicipatcd in bi-annual under the able leadership of Prof. C. L. Bell inuiauons of new members, and held the l1igho!' and Dr. H. P. Sturdivant, completed annual spring picnic. sliccessfully irs eighteenth year of art.ivitv, A large delegation rcprcscnto.t Oll!' Chaptet lncludcd in Dill" membership t.his year were at the biennial ccuvcuuoo of the natiounl uccmy-ihrcc active members and seventeen fraternity, held ill New York City dllring Ihe provisional members. making' a total of Iorty Christmas vacation. Our group was also well participarus. The officers of the organization represented at the regional convention held at were: Dan \Vcllivcr, PmsidclIl; Charles Ham- Notre Dame Collegc in Baltimore this spring mer, Vicc-jJn;sirlt:lIl; Lois Sauter, S(:C)"I:llfI)'; Upon occasion, we visited orhcr Chapters ut June Craf. Histnrian; and Prof. Iknnighof. neighboring institutions. Treasurer, Endeavoring always 10 be mindful of lhe Our program included Tuesday afternoon fraternity purpose, Tri-Beca smvcs to-'·Slim. meetings at which were presented student ulate sound scholarship, promote the dis· research papers followed by invaluable discus- semination of scientific truth, and to cncour- sions. 1n addition [0 these meetings, we age investigation in the life sciences." engaged special speakers, showed scientific Suu'dlvaur, C. H:I"''''Cr. S"",wr! I'Ow: II. LCII~. [) E. Hoyle, R. Allell. L. S:WiCl'. It H:n'low. J. cc.r, J. Coriell, E. L. Flickinger. Fl!lnlh L. Olien::. W. Dl'orilic. 103
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