Page 110 - YB1950
P. 110
STUDENT CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Under the leadership of President Joe stronger school spir-it. Cutoua, the SCA has enjoyed iLS biggest rear Through the work of M artha Schaeffer, on the Hill. The Sunday School, the wes- Commissioner of Christian Heritage, thr- P<;:l"- leynns, the wcslcyaneues, the Canrer-burv sonal spiritual development of Western Mllry- Cluh, and the Lutheran Group cooperated landers was encouraged. \Vell-chosen mate- with Vice-president Dan Wel!iver in building rials and Wednesday evening speakers helped a unified religious emphasis for the campus. us to build wholesome philosophics of life. wednesday evening prob'Tams ranged (rant Dave Sanono, Cornmissioner of \Vodd folk-dancing to meaningful meetings con- Relatedness, made surdcms aware of crucial ccrned with current issues. Each morning, world problems and fostered progt-ams to hclp organ music, under the direction of \VilJiam the world crisis. The world Student Service Scheeler, created a screnity for daily personal Fund, co-directed by Roben Fringo and Rus- devotions in Baker Chapel. wide suppon sell Deragon, had on the Hill. Under Mar-ion Auld, Commissioner of The SeA Community Service Award was Social Responsib.Iny. several social action quickly accepted by rho students. This award programs were begun, such as improving the is given each year to the fratet-nity and sorority wesmunsrer Negro nursery school. There which docs most to serve t.he campus and was also the SCA News-of-the-Day Bullelin world community through service projects. Board. This big area of ani vi ties kept Jean Curl, Guided by Dorothy Alexander, Commis- Secretary, busy keeping many records, but stoner or Personal and Campus Affairs, the Hill Simpson, our treasurer, kept a tight grasp Fireside Fellowship became even more popu- on the purse-suings. And we must not forget lar. Everyone celebrated his birthday at the Libby Schubert's urelcss efforts as publicity SCA Birthday Banquet. Ancl the SCA Band director! Concerts at Carre Diem did milch to foster Thus the NEW SCA began its first year. 106
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