Page 115 - YB1950
P. 115
CANTERBURY CLUB The Canterbury Club, a religious organiza- The club sent two reprcsemarives to the tion for Episcopal st udents, elected the [01- Fri-Diocesan Conference of College Students lowing officers: Russell Dcragan, President, ill Towson. The Episcopal students of all Betty Linton, Vicc-Pvesident.; Beuy Cross- colleges of the Eastern and Western Shores of wiutc, Secn:lllry; Charles Pfeiffer, Treasurer. Maryland, as well as Washingtoll, lake pal"! Miss Ann O'Rourk is the Facuhy adviser. In in this conference. Our represcrnauve, Eliza. the absence or a rector at the local parish, beth Thomas, was elected seeretary of the con- Rev. Edward Dart of All Saints Church, Reis- Icrcnce. terstown, served as chaplain. During Ihe year, General Corporate Com As a part oC the S. C. A. program of coer- IlWniOIlS for members were held at the Church diuatcd religious activities, meetings are held of the Ascension, and in the Lenten season once a month in Baker Chapel. Tit addition there were regular mid-week celebrations or to rather Dart, the dub seemed, uiroughour Holy Communion ill Baker Chapel. Through. the year, a roster of interesting speakers. "Many out 111C year, social activities were organized smdehts, who arc not Cantcrburians, auendcd by and for the members. Even though the lectures by speakers [rom our own and other membership of the group is sm<111, its acrivi. colleges and churches, and found thcm stimu- ties are widespread and comprehensive. lating-. III
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