Page 116 - YB1950
P. 116
Selileli: A. Vall Order, N. WinklO::III:Ill, II. Sinlp~oll, J. Beaver. H. Kahn. B. Duvall, B. Shepler D. Kcll)' . .'ii(wdi>lg: F. Sitlron, A. Groom, II. Summers. II. Ilanksoll. 1\, Shivers. D. Reck. J. Waltcr. A. "\ll>cl"I INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB To arouse interest in, and to create a bet- ration to the students at Western Maryland. tel' understanding of, current national and .June Beaver served as president or the dub international events is the purpose set forth for the year. Vice-presidents for first and sec. by the members of the International Relations end semesters were Gene Fr-ank and Harriet Club. This organization meets in l\'1cDanici Kahn respectively .. Harriet Kahn was secre. Lounge on the first and third Mondays of tary-treasurer rrrst semester and Ann Van each month. Order, second semester. During tile past year the dub discussed the western Maryland holds membership in \>\'orld Federation versus the United Nations the Maryland Association of International Organization. Representing the World Fed- Relations Clubs, rile Collegiate Council of the eralists, Dr. George 13. Dick spoke to the United Nations, and sends delegates [rom the group. At a later meeting Miss Dorothy B. 1. R. C. to attend Middle Atlantic State Con- Robbins, Director of Education for the United Ierences. Nations, presented the views of this orga»i- 112
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