Page 108 - YB1950
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ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA The Iota Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha. of Philosophy." This was followed by a series the national honorary Irarcrnnv in philoso- of lectures by faculty and outside speakers. phy. was established at W. M. C. in April, Some of the topics discussed were: "Life and 19'19. The purpose of rfns fraternity is to Philosophy in the Near East.," "Art Criticism recognize excellence ill I.he siudy of philosn- in the Early Greek Periods," "The Develop. phy and allied subjects and LO develop an mcm of the Mature Mind," "Altcrnanve imcrcsr in philosopllicll study and discussion. ApproadlCs to the Problems of Evil," "Ethics The meetings arc held bimonthly. lnitia- of Greek i\"'ylhology," and other Lion of acuve members is held each semester. voking discussions of a philosophical nature. The officers are: George Franko, President, Students participate in the discussions: pre. Howard Shannon, Vice-presidctu; Louis PieĀ· sent their own papers for reading; contribute troforte, ScCrelfll)'; Richard Randall, Trcas- essays and book reports to Tire Pluloso plr, the fraternity's publication; meet with other AKA Dr. Reuben S. Holthaus, faculty adviser of groups in panel discussions; as well as par. the group, opened the year's activities with a ucipaung in lllany of the activities on the lecture on "The Practical Values of the Study campus. 101
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