Page 112 - YB1950
P. 112
WESLEYANS The Wcslcyaus, a fellowship of undergradu- the wcsleyaneues, conducted weekly services ate men who plan to enter [he minisn-y or at the Methodist Home for the Aged every some other field or fufl-umc Cln-isuan service, Sunday evening umil the dming of the Home is now in its cighth year of oJlicial existence in Dcrcmhcr on "The Hill" The membership of this The annual banquet held in May was the organizalion has been gT(:ally augmented in highlight of the group's activiLies. The organi- the past tllree 01' four years. now st auding at zation continued to actively participatc in the approximately thirty-live. college intramural spons program. After the Dr. Mihon J Huber serves as adviser 10 closing of the Methodist. Home for the the grOllp_. which this year meers in IIle west- Aged. the wcslcyans gained practical experi- minster Seminary Chapel once a month, with ence Ll!roug'h dcpuuninn teams that visited other meetings during the month being held churches in this area. in co-opermion with the new S. C. A. pro- During the first xemcstcr, tile organization gram. These meetings consist. of it brief period Iuncuoned under the leadership of E. "Vright, of worship followed by discussion of some of President; .I. Zepp, Vice-Prn'idcnl.; James the problems facing the student preparing for Shannon, Sacretcry-Tveasn-cr, These offices a life of service in the name of Christianity. were held respectively by James Shannon, Ira Under the leadership of the president, Ed Zepp, and Kenneth Tyson in the second Wright, the Weslcyans, in copcrauon with semester. 108
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