Page 106 - YB1950
P. 106
First row: R. Ennis. P. L;,"k[OI'd. B. Bachtell, Dr. W. Rklington, M n, AIc~,,"dn. 1.\. LCII1.• K, OlclI'iic)', $.:c(mr/ mil': J. Ik"vcr. ~1. E. 1I, Shivers, J. i)ennison, B. Duvall, S. Bankert. J. 11,-0\\'11, S. Wille. :\, Willnhcrg. Third ""111: L. O,'til, G, Franko, n. Pallen, .~, Dcjtcr, R. COrlen L. Klollr, L. 13"jlcy. \1'. S;lIlj1.«1I1. !'(I/Irl!r ,",,10: I.. :;1O\'U",.f. L.ottman, F. '-k""i~, D. Lillv, 1':. L. Flickingc, ARGONAUTS The Argonauts, Western Mar-yland's Honor dents who were inspired by the ancient Greek Society, has as its purpose the promotion of legend of the "Argo" and the search for lhe sound scholarship, the recognition of high Golden Fleece of truth and wisdom. scholastic Handing, and the promotion of fel- The outstanding events or the year included lowship among the students and faculty. The a talk by Dr. Milton Huber. a former prcsi. acuviues of the group, which include scv- durn of this society, now a member 0[" t.he eral meetings, a fonua l rea, and a spring ban- college faculty; it tea to honor all students 'JUN, are carried 011 by associate members, with a cumulative "I!" average; and the spring who are juniors or seniors who have main- banquet at which Dr. H. Lamar Cl'Osb)' 01" tained an overall "B" average, or better. Full the University of Chicago was the speaker membership is granted those who graduate The society hopes to auain the status of cum. Imuic or SIfIIlIlW cum Laude. Dr. Isabel Phi Beta Kappa in the ncar future. The lsanogle and Dr. William Riding-LOll act as executive ccmmtuec, George Seymour, Don- sponsors of the organization. ald Clarke, Marion Auld. and Margaret Beyer The Argonaut Society was founded in 193:1 have had this as their vision and have taken by Dr. Lloyd Bertholf and a group of stu- srcps in working toward this goal. 102
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