Page 31 - YB1949
P. 31
CHARLES ROSS ECK DONALD O. EGNER Major: Economics Major: Physics and Economics "Cosy" ... hopes to enter personnel work Plays a mean piano in his own and other dance upon graduation will settle for work in the bands ... interested in variety of things both production field "Four semesters a year worthwhile and otherwise ... "Look-it now" with fewer courses; too many subjects required ... may be persuaded to take advantage of re- in American schools." ... reliable photogra- serve commission obtained at W. M. C .... pher . . . loves music, bought his piano for likes well-balanced diet of sleep and French $1.50. fries. WILLIAM WARING EHLERS LOUIS EDWARD ELLIOTT Major: English Major: Physical Education "Bill" ... roommate calls him "Cohper" be- "Lefty" ... made a name for himself coaching cause he sleeps all the time ... hopes of enter- Western Maryland's Junior Terror basketball ing Drew Theological Seminary after gradua- team ... proud of his wife and child gives tion spent two years in Europe with the fatherly advice to the Gamma Bets very army good sense of humor practical active in all intramural sports ... education stu- joker likes to play ping pong Dean's dent planning to teach physical ed. Lister "Oh, fudge!" 27
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