Page 28 - YB1949
P. 28
GEORGE A. COULTER KARL JOSEPH DAMUTH Major: Physics Major: Economics Likes J.V. Soccer, music, and mystery novels "Joe" ... usually quiet and unassuming when time permits ... is one of the campus's "Bless Bess" ... independent ... ready and sporty dressers ... plans to attend Johns Hop- potent sense of humor ... distinctive artistic kins Graduate School after graduation talent ... pet peeve: pseudo-intellectuals . seems always to make the Dean's List ... "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" . spent some time in the Army. hopes to enter advertising or industrial design. JEAN DAUGHTREY GEORGE SINCLAIR DAVIS Major: History and Psychology Major: Mathematics That spontaneous "sugah" gives away the hos- Officer in R.O.T.C .... active in interfraternity pitality deeply entrenched in this mint-julep sports ... one of the Hill's best dancers ... Juliet ... can sit anyone on top of the world easy to get along with ... plans to teach in with those sincerely cheering phrases ... may high school ... three years rooming with Jim often be seen driving (or riding in) that car! ... variety of interests ... works hard for his . . . history, harmony, and Howard. frat ... neat dresser. 24
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