Page 26 - YB1949
P. 26
MARY CHILDS HARRY EUGENE CHRISTOPHER Major: English Major: Economics Abundant energy directed towards new people, "Cris" tall, blond, well dressed, Scandina- new plans, new thoughts ... a straightforward vian gets out the skiis when the snow falls manner that's the envy of many ... Peter Pan ... Gamma Bet's artist ... former air corps collars signify her neatness . . . an early-to- officer . . . personal lending library for Mc- bedder tactful, conventional, yet individual- Kinstry . . . secret passion for Hillbilly music istic February graduate, with teaching in ... quotes Shakespeare ... member of all view. Gamma Bet teams. BEATRIX JANE CLARKE MARADEL CLAYTON Major: Sociology Major: Home Economics "Clark-O" ... proctor of Blanche Ward as Fire "Pete" ... Iota prexy spends first semester Chief . . . knits, chats, plays bridge 'till all in "The Hoose", hey! artistic-as witnessed hours ... can take a joke as well as give it ... by her choice of clothes ... ask Fletch about volleyball and badminton enthusiast ... sociol- her bridge ability ... bubbling personality ... ogy major with social work as her aim upon married off two roommates so far ... eyes that graduation ... anything for a friend. sparkle, teeth that shine ... poised to perfec- tion. 22
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