Page 27 - YB1949
P. 27
I MARGUERITE CLOSSMAN JACOB H. COHEN Major: History and English Major: Biology "Margie" ... hidden sense of humor ... never "Jack" ... transfer from Mt. St. Mary's starts term papers until the night before they're pre-med, headed for Temple Medical School due always willing to make a fourth at ... married in summer of '48 pleasant per- bridge bridge addict ... history and Eng- sonality ... infectious smile hobby is play- lish major gets A's from Whitfield and ing musical instruments ... dancing and tink- everyone else won American History award. ering with motors are among his favorite pas- times ... always receptive to a good spaghetti dinner. JANE CONWAY JAMES VINCENT COTTER Major: Music Major: Economics "Janie" ... absent-minded ... has huge reper- "Smiling Jim" ... the amiable Irishman toire of corny jokes ... wears unusual necklace veteran Army officer of Pearl Harbor ... trans- ... noted for her shining tresses time resi- ferred from Cornell ... Dean's right-hand man dent of hallowed Hall of Levine a piano ... spark plug of the student body and "Bache- major who practices voice in the shower ... lors" ... "Daddy" to all the freshman girls German now added to collection of accents but taken out of circulation by "Em" ... spon- and dialects. taneous personality and leadership. 23
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