Page 35 - YB1949
P. 35
I JOYCE GORSUCH ELEANOR ADELE GRAUEL Major: French and Mathematics Major: Biology and Physical Education "George" ... rosy cheeks, violet-blue eyes ... "Dell" ... "Who's going to distribute "Gold thinks Havre de Grace the epitome of Ameri- Bugs" now?" ... music second only to sports can cities ... quiet but gregarious ... collector ... sports a blue Plymouth ''1'd ra-a-ther of daschunds French and math major (wiz- not" ... anything for a friend standby of zard at it!) knitting and bridge are favorite Women's Athletic .Department ... those pastimes always receptive to turkey and brown eyes! ... proud of "M" gained in junior mashed potatoes ... good piano student. year . . . to know her is to love her. MARIAN GREIFENSTEIN JOHN ROBERT GROUND Major: Biology Major: English Tri-Beta enthusiast whose eyes are turned to- "Bob" ... English major, psychology minor ward Johns Hopkins ... loves her summer .. . connoisseur of good food the possessor work ... lovely auburn hair ... "Oh, Dot" ... of a quiet unassuming manner periodically may be seen at any hour carrying a door reveals a delightful sense of humor resident marked 19 down the hall ... will laugh at any- of Vetville and father of boy and girl editor thing except a joke. of '48 Preacher year book . . . seems headed toward journalism. 31
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