Page 34 - YB1949
P. 34
JOSEPH SHERMER GARRISON, III BETTY LOU GLOTFELTY Major: Biology Major: Sociology "Sherm" ... that brilliant b'hoy ... usually From the "wilds" of Garrett County' ... quiet, found about the biology lab, when he's not in until you know her better ... sometimes won- bed or the Y.F.W .... will be at U. of M. med ders why she ever changed her Home Ec. school next year . . . personifies the "new major loves the farm ... couldn't find a spirit" of the Black and Whites ... gets letters nicer gal "Did I bid right, Mott?" ... a saying, "Is your arm broke?" trusting soul during her weekly haircuts. ARMAND JOEL GOLD CHARLOTTE GOODRICH Major: Biology Major: Art "Goldie" . . . plans to enter medical school "Char" ... full of pep; friendly ... forever upon graduation .... has his own special brand making posters ... always going to club meet- of humor . . . always ready for a card game ings ... a procrastinator ... "Golly, I haven't ... the first to leave lab, especially during la- done one thing for tomorrow." .. sports a crosse season ... consistent Dean's Lister. diamond on the fateful finger ... future art teacher.
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