Page 29 - YB1949
P. 29
JEAN DINGUS AUDREY DIXON Major: History Major: Sociology and Psychology "Ding" . . . Spanish speaking Blond from Petite, musical, full of pep and ambition "Nawth Carolina" Dean's Lister but al- serious student with a lively sense of humor ways ready for fun avid reader from comics ... Washington, D. C., is the center of her to Shakespeare ... plans to teach in N. C.... universe ... the West fascinates' her ... hopes can always be seen with roommate Lianos dis- to put her split major, sociology and psychol- cussing "world problems" . . . the long and ogy, to use in social work. short of it. BETTY JANE DIXON MARY SEWELL DIXON Major: English Major: Physics Main interest run along the B's-Bob, base- "Sue" an "M" girl with her air castles on ball, bridge, and biology ... she and sister, Sue, blueprint balances the S. G. A. books ... plan double wedding after graduation ... likes math genius with a liking for and an imitation practice teaching especially when she has the of "Doc Spicah" ... deep understanding and convertible ... soft eyes and soft heart insight into the whys and wherefores of others "Sue, how should we pack this stuff?" ... builds model airplanes. 25
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