Page 30 - YB1949
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BARBARA DODD THOMAS BUTLER DOOLITTLE Major: Psychology Major: History "Bar" . . . youngest of the Dodd clan . . . "Tom" greatest song and dance man on peache and cream complexion ... dining hall campus imitations of everyone, specialties her second home ... always harmonizing with are Al Jolson and Ted Lewis Dean's Lister her sister ... easy going and relaxing ... kept with plans of graduate school claims many McDaniel supplied with hot dogs and cokes states as one-time home ... "Golly Gee". ... will be happiest in some form of psychol- ogy work. HELEN MILES DUBEL JACK C. ECCLES Major: Sociology and English Major: History "Milesy" ... radiant combination of talent, One of Vetville's most genial and likeable resi- charm, and versatility ... anything ventured, dents ... always playing "open-house" . . . everything gained ... waffle-iron biscuits typ- married former W.M.C. co-ed ... proud father ical of her ingenuity ... combined last year of two-year-old boy ... likable personality, and of college with first year of marriage ... dreams makes friends easily . . . plans to continue of world travel ... first stop Boston for Bob's library work in public schools following gradua- M.A .... deep thinker. tion. 26
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