Page 24 - YB1949
P. 24
RICHARD HILLIS BROWN MARGARET ELIZABETH BUDERER Major: Economics "Brownie" "Joe College" ... has a smile "Betsy-Boo" ... "Army girl" ... loves travel- for everyone Charlie Havens' right hand ing, and enthralls second floor of Blanche man ... plans to enter law school ... resi- Ward with pictures of same; still talks about dent of "Gemmill Hall" 'till he got married Panama ... likes fishing Friday night din- ... became the proud papa of a baby boy in ner at Earl's is a tradition sincere manner December ... always borrowing Yug's car ... . .. will make a good nurse. craves shrimp ... active "Preacher". HUGH BURGESS LIONEL BURGESS, JR. Major: Pre-Medicine Major: Mathematics Pre-med with accelerated course main stem A consistent Ward Hall resident ... claims of Bachelor's athletic teams plays a good part of the Blanche Ward lounge for "Ruthie" game of golf . . . always ready for bridge . . . and himself ... Varsity member on the '45 spends weekends in Baltimore breakfast in basketball squad ... interrupted his college the Grill ... August graduate plans for life for a G.l. trip to Europe ... is a hard work- medical school in fall. ing math major and teacher-to-be. 20
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