Page 16 - YB1949
P. 16
The Glass of 1949 Mountain climbing is a wonderful and en- ketball team after the arrival of some Glen lightening experience, even though it is much Lyon vets in February. more difficult than most people anticipate. In As the ultimate goal was always before our these respects, it can be paralleled to a journey eyes, sometimes we overlooked the vast ex- through college. For the past several years, panse between our starting point and our ob- we, the class of 1949, have had just such an jective. However, there were various pitfalls experience, but at last we have reached the along the way in the form of initiations, tests top with an opportunity to look backwards at and "pop" quizzes which reminded us that the progress we have made. our way had to be made step by step. There Getting adjusted to this new type of ex- were pauses. for relaxation which made our perience required much planning and ability. journey more enjoyable-a trip to Earl's, a This adjustment was not the usual adjustment sorority rush party, or a dorm gab-session. A made' on a co-ed campus-there were co-eds, major event of our sophomore year which espe- but few men! As we look back, we have mem- cially made our journey more enjoyable was ories of girls in Albert Norman Ward. This the sophomore follies, "The Green and Gold first year was primarily one of dormitory hilar- Rush". During this year there was the gradual ity, imports for dances, and of a winning bas- reappearance of masculine activities-fraterni- ties, football, and frivolity. When we stopped to rest after each long stretch, we had the satisfaction of looking back at the progress we had made. Once or twice we may have thought that we had gone far enough and decided to give up the climb, but after a long rest, our enthusiasm was rekindled and we returned to our former path. With this new enthusiasm we cheered our teams to vic- President FRANK STEPHENSON Vice-President PETE CALLAS Secretary BARBARA SOWERS PHYLLIS ALEXANDER Treasurer NORMAN STERN Historian ANNA ENGLAR Sergean t-at-Arms JOHN ADAMOVICI-I 12
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