Page 20 - YB1949
P. 20
~. WILLIAM THOMAS BARNES Major: History and Economics Major: Biology "Barney" ... married man who lives in Tow- "Bill" ... his favorite haunts are the labora- son ... level-headed ... a star of the interfra- tories of Science and Lewis Halls ... Chemis- ternity basketball games . . . quite a bridge try minor ... spent the summer of '48 as a fiend ... laughing-boy ... Rodney'S friend ... vagabond-on a wheat farm in Oklahoma ... winner of the History Prize in 1948 ... "Let's sports fan ... never misses a college athletic off to the Wharton School, boys!?" contest, or breakfast either ... plans graduate work. GEORGE H. BECK BETTY BECKER Major: Biology Major: Sociology and Psychology Tall, likable George ... ex-marine ... inter- "Betty" ... exuberant personality ... quick ested in med school and Rusty ... constantly witted and ingenious ... never known to have "going to lab" and may be found evenings in an idle moment ... has a mad passion for blue McDaniel (reading the paper) ... a mainstay eyes ... ready with appropriate termination for in those powerful B. and W. teams ... "Did any situation ... "I'll paus at this tea!" ... you hear the one about-". known for those unusual sweaters ... "How 'bout that!". 16
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