Page 12 - YB1949
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The (glass of /95/ It has been two years since we entered into ernment in initiating the entire freshman class life on "the Hill" as Freshmen, and each year during the pigskin season. has brought with it new experiences which have Being sophomores, we were given the op- all too soon become memories. portunity to become members of the sororities Being familiar with the prevailing traditions or fraternities and build up stronger friendship and campus life, we came back in September ties with our sorority sister and "frat" brothers. to re-enter, feeling much more at ease than This was all a part of our experience in our we had the previous year. Now we felt more first year as upperclassmen. like a part of the big, happy family that exists We continued to take an active part in col- at W.M.C. lege life and participated in many activities The first few weeks were spent renewing which were offered us. The sophomores were last year's friendships and passing on the tradi- very well represented in the field of sports tions of Western Maryland to the bewildered with members of our class on each team and freshmen. We showered them with treat- an equal representation on the cheering squad. ment similar to that which we received last In the Fall, as we started on new paths of year. Also, our class, under the able leader- learning, we entered wholeheartedly into the ship of our president, assisted the Student Gov- activities on "the Hill" and made new ac- quaintances, After the fall season, climaxed with the events of Homecoming, Winter fell upon the campus. How well we remember those cold mornings and first period classes. One of the beauties of winter is to see the campus covered with a blanket of snow. Be- fore we knew it, Christmas vacation was here, and we were parting for a short while. After President Lou PIETROFORTE Vice-President HERB KLINGER Secretary PEGGY KERNS Treasurer JUNE BEAVER Historian ALICE YEARLEY 8
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