Page 17 - YB1949
P. 17
tory, sponsored dances, and welcomed Presi- sored gala weekends for Homecoming and May dent Ensor in our junior year. However, our Day, complete with floats, displays, and jubi- welcome was not so favorable for the formal lant school spirit. All in all, our senior year examinations which were inaugurated this was the best-the summit of our four years' year. climb. As we mounted higher, the paths became At last we have reached the peak of our steeper, but we had, by then, adapted our pace mountain. Only now can we realize the to the climb, and we were rewarded with self- worthiness of our expended effort. Our trips satisfaction and pride by our accomplishment. to the music hall, our sieges in the library, and We had mastered the arts of passing tests and our struggles with education at last mean some- examinations, of writing term papers and col- thing. Our viewpoints are more mature and lateral, and of getting the most out of the social our outlooks broader. From this peak, looking life offered on the Hill. A bigger and better backward, we can see our paths; looking for- student government in our senior year spon- ward, the world is before us. 13
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