Page 13 - YB1949
P. 13
the holidays came the struggle of exam week This year, we felt that we really belonged to with all study, some fun and no sleep. Our WMC and that it belonged to us; we have campus came back to life with the first few been striving for scholastic, athletic, and social days of warm weather. Soon the forces of achievements. Some of these have been ob- spring fever began to play upon us and we had tained; however, our goal is still before us. to struggle to make ourselves study instead of During our freshman year, we failed to look watching the ROTC drills or spring practice sufficiently beyond the novelty of our college games. With Spring came all the gala affairs life to perceive its real value. The things that such as May Day and Graduation, when once we associate with "the Hill" have taken a new again we had to say goodbye to those who have meaning and this meaning shall continue to been such swell pals and friends during their grow as we, the Class of '51, take our next step stay on "the Hill". forward. 9
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