Page 19 - YB1949
P. 19
JACK GAIL AMMON BETTY AMOS Major: Sociology Major: Psychology "Jack" . . . fresh from the hills of Western Who's Who ... admires progressive jazz and Pennsylvania ... resident of Vetville ... hopes progressive people ... abhors breakfast con- to enter Westminster Theological Seminary versation ... Got an A from Makosky ... ... has a pastorate near Washington ... gets ideal summer between playground work and a great deal of ribbing because of near bald Seat Pleasant ... eats up psychology, philos- head ... minors in little son, Gary. ophy, music . . . active in extracurricular "Monkey Beezeness" ... "Thank heavens for people" ... graduate school or gainful occupa- tion? JOAN BAKER NINIT A BARKMAN Major: Sociology Major: English "J0" ... blond transfer from Stratford ... neat "Barkie" . . . aptly named Ninita-"little as a pin ... clothes have that expensive look darling" English major with a flair for writ- ... patient listener to everyone's troubles, but ing verses counted the days from Septem- light manner conceals her own ... plans to go ber until her January wedding ... despite prac- into personnel work after graduation ... keen tice teaching, homework, and gab sessions, appreciation of "good" jokes . . . partial to never missed that important daily correspond- Massachusetts. ence ... thoughtful and industrious. 15
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