Page 146 - YB1948_Classical
P. 146
THE GLEE CLUB It is with good reason that Miss Crace of the United Nations. The gir-ls also added Cordia Murray takes great pride in her ,I greaL deal to the atmosphere and spirit of Girls' Glee Club. Aboul fifty girls inter- the college Christmas banquet with special ested in choral singing made up the organi- seasonal music and familiar carols. A zation during the season of 1947ยท48. They chapel service in Alumni Hal! was 011 the mel every Tuesday afternoon and accom- spring schedule, along with the important plished an amazing and profitable amount annual concert at the Westminster He- of work. This was proved by their unusu- fonned Church. ally beautiful concerts. Through the harmonious blending of girls' voices ill lullabies, fantasies, folk This year, the Glee Club presented in McDaniel Lounge the annual Christmas songs, spirituals, and Brahms, Puccini, and program for the American Association of MacDowell, members and audiences alike University Women. This program was di- agree that the Glee Club of Western Mary- vided into two parts, the first consisting of land achieves its purpose-c-wluch is to de- six songs sung by the entire Glee Club and velop a keen appreciation of grcat music the second of len solos, which were carols written and arranged for women's voices. ~~rs~h~~:~.l~~n~~:;)~::,a~~,s~~v~~~:~;:~rF.~ia~~nl~:~ol;'i ~~:~~.t ri~;~'~ij~;~:;~\:m~I::~,~;.~':\:~~:~~I~'~~.C~~~l~~~::: I). Alexander. J. Hering. R. Wunder, S. Banker!, S. Larmore, B. Buc\IIc11.E. Neuleship. Third. Now: L. Hoyer. M. ThorflY, a Crosswhite, P. r.laeLnrcn, A. Shuppert. B. Hobens. E. Prj(,e, J. Conway. N. Roberts, K. Bliss. Fourth NQw; C. Binney. H. Ennis. O. Hilpert, L. Scott, Ill. Schaeffer, /\. I{own", J. Ouugbtrey, J. SIlIISC, A. Crotilers. 143
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