Page 143 - YB1948_Classical
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HOME ECONOMICS CLUB President SUSAN STEELMAN The dub sent a package to the World Vice-President MARY KATHERINE FIELDER Christmas Festival, for which the children who received them sent cards of thanks. Secretary NANCY BOUNDS Again this year the Home Economics Treasurer PHYLLIS WEAVER Club sponsored a foods booth at the SCA bazaar-proving that in some cases home The Home Economics Club endeavors to economics majors can cook! provide experience and knowledge to those Two state meetings were attended by our majoring in or just interested in this field. college club, the fall meeting being at Hood The members learn of vocational oppor- College and the spring meeting at WMC. tunities, practices of other countries, and any other part of this work in which they Representatives were also sent to the Provo ince Workshop may be interested. of Maryland. Meeting at the University At the first meeting this year, some of the members related their experiences in sum- As a final project the club sponsored a mer positions. These experiences were very fashion show. New officers were elected, interesting and provide an incentive for and everyone now looks forward to another the freshmen. busy year. 140
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