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THE ARGONAUTS President BETTY LITTLE graduate cum laude or Slunllla cum laude. Sponsors of the organization are Miss Vice-President SARAH SMITH Addie Belle Robb and Dr. William H. Secretary PH HOUCK Hidington. Treasurer GLADYS SAUSE The Argonaut Society was founded in 1935 by Dr. Lloyd Bertholf and a group of The Argonauts, Western Maryland's students who, inspired by the ancient Greek honor society, has as its purpose the promo- legend of the "Argo" and the search for the tion of sound scholarship, the recognition Golden Fleece of truth and wisdom, of high scholastic standing, and the promo- rounded this honor society. tion of fellowship among thestudents and The outstanding events of this year in- faculty. Since the initiation of this society, cluded a talk by Dr. Bertholf, the annual membership has risen to a high position of Lea in honor of those on the Dean's list, and honor and achievement The activities of the group are carried on by associate memo the spring banquet, at which the former bers, who are juniors or seniors maintain- president of Weste'rn Maryland College, ing an over-all average of "B" or better. Dr. fred G. Holloway, addressed the so- Full membership is granted to those who ciety. Fin/ Row; A. Hess, J. Sause, 1-1. Kellum, C. Hoyer, F. Hay, B. ROIICk, 1:1. Lillie. Secolld Now: B. SOW(ll"~, M. l:Iulirman, A. Hopkins, B. Armiger, S. Smith. Third Row: S. Lemeslmw, J. Ogden, B. Morris. C. Bishop, A. Glockler, /11. Keiser, A. Oixon, C. Buckel, G. Sause, P. Houck. Fourth Now: E. Cushen, 1\1. Ilcrshfeltl, P. ChatLerlon, M. Shipley, S. Gordy, M. Thomas, J. /lIUJIn. 147
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