Page 151 - YB1948_Classical
P. 151
THE TRUMPETERS The Trumpeters, an honorary organiza- ating Trumpeters. This is the Tapping tion, was founded in 1944 by Dr. Kather- Ceremony, which takes place on the Presi- ine K. Carmichael, former Dean of Women dent's lawn. here on the Hill, with the aim in view of The duties of the Trumpeters include as- being accepted at the end of a five year pro- sistance to any organization which may bation period by Mortar Board, national need their aid, decoration of the dining hall honorary society for outstanding college ror the Christmas banquet, and sponsoring women. Each year four or five outstand- of the May Court breakfast. The members return to school for Freshman Week and ing women of the senior class are selected are available to help the new student with according to an objective point scale mea- any problems which may arise. suring curricular and extra-curricular ac- Dr. Evelyn Mudge is the advisor of this tivities. They are rated on the basis of group, the purpose of which is to help scholarship, leadership, character, and citi- others. The name of this organization zenship standing. comes from its motto: "for if the trumpet Tn May, the women selected are pre- give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare sented with caps and gowns by the gradu- himself to the battle?" A. Glockler, S. Smith, P. Houck, Dr. Mudge, Adviser, G. Sause. 148
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