Page 145 - YB1948_Classical
P. 145
- .'. I !JI.. J I .. I~ Firs! Row: O. Spangler. Acconuvmiu, P. Starling, L. SCOIl, A. Wilson, II. Miles, L. Rover, L. Hurnes, B. lilli!!, S. Siegel. B. 1\I;1&\<,ad. L. Lines, V. Won, i\1. Dodd, A. DeL,lng, Director, Secaud. ROI.;: A. Lockey. L. J\larlin, V. Hiker, V. Dodd, M. Buhrman. C. Bishop, P. IHurm, A. Dixon, M. E. Hess, N. Beamer, A. Mcll'lahan, O. Alex- ander, 1\. Harde~ler, M. A. Shepherd. Third Row: B. L. McFarland, J. Free, N. Ha"kin, 1\1. R. O'Kelly, D. Hupert, N. Harper, M. Hupert, 1. Conway, C. Bruner, J. Duughlrey, K. Olewilcr, L. Haines, R. Holmes. Dr. Bradley, D. Ptnholster, 1. Barry, L. F. Free. Fourth: Row: P. Wantz, P. Beard, 1.1\1111111, J. Doherty, J. Elliot, /II, Chandler, H. Earll, D. Welliver, It Dunlop, C. Shook,H. Myers, W. Scheder, C. Marlin, C. While, K. Haddaway, N.l\lasenheimcr. THE CHOIR One of the outstanding campus musical by the group succeeded in winning the com- organizations is the College Choir, directed plete approval of both audiences. In every by Professor Alfred B. DeLong and com- way it was a wonderful program beauti- posed of some seventy carefully selected fully expressed. voices. During April the Choir traveled to Bal- In addition to supplying the music for timore to perform Brahms "Requiem". It the regular Sunday evening chapel ser- seems that the fame of last year's perform- vices, the Choir presented several special ance of this great cantata had spread to the programs. On December 14 the Christmas point that the Walbl"Ook Methodist Church portions of Handel's "Messiah" were pre- desired the group La give their interpreta- sented in Chapel, and on the following tion of it in their church. afternoon the program was repeated over The final special performance of the Radio Station WFMD in frederick. year featured Gioacchino Rossini's well- The excellent musical ability displayed known "Stabat Mater". 142
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