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first Row: Prof. Hendrickson, E. Collins, G. Sause, A. Glocklcr. M. Lawson, Prof. Bennighcf, SpQ1lsor. Second Row: H. Kellam, M. Greifcnstcin, M. Hillyard. E. Hammerala, 1'1. Sowers, C. Goodri;;h, T. l·]()lt. Third Row: G. Frizzel, H. Becker, B. Taylor, E. Rogers, D. Jacobson, B. Amos. BETA BETA BETA President ANNABEL GLOCKLER lege. AIso, we were well represented at the V ice-Pres idem GLADYS SAUSE annual regional conference held at Han- Secretary MARtE LAWSON dolph-Macon this spring. Historian ELEANOR COLLINS Ed Hammersla, Geraldine Frizzell, and Believing that knowledge is to be shared Marie Lawson were this year's selection for and not shelved, the Alpha Mu Chapter of the Milton Hendrickson Memorial Scholar- Beta Beta Bela meets weekly for the pur- ship Fund, and will conduct summer pose of "keeping in the know" in so far as studies in their respective fields of interest the biological sciences are concerned. The Movies, speakers, initiations, and good fel- national president of our organization and lowship kept the remainder of the calendar former Alpha Mu sponsor, Dr. L. M. Bert- crammed to capacity, and kept us working holf, transferred the reins this year to pro- toward the national purpose of the organ!- fessor Bennighof-who handles them well. zation-"to stimulate sou lid scholarship, to In addition 1.0 watching our own mem- promote the dissemination of scientific bership grow, our group helped to install a truth, and to encourage investigation in the new chapter of the fraternity at Hood Col- life sciences". 146
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