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P. 141
INTERNATIONAl" RELATIONS CLUB President MARY ELIZABETH Tone year featured talks by foreign students 011 V ice-President JANE LlANOS their native countries. Programs for the remainder of the year were in the form of Secretary-Treasurer ELEANOR NETTLESHIP debates, forums, lectures, and movies on Adviser Dn. THEODORE WHITFIELD such topics as the Marshall Plan, universal military training, Palestine, and China. The International Relations Club is com- The IRC is a member or the Carnegie posed of individuals who arc interested ill Endowment 1'01' International Peace, and contemporary world affairs. Everyone is receives books and literature on current eligible for membership, and the meetings problems From this Fund. These books are are open to all students and faculty mem- given to the library and placed in the IRe bers. section for the use of the students. Meetings are held in McDaniel Lounge As one of twelve International Relations on the first and third Mondays of each Clubs in Maryland colleges and universi- month. An attempt is made to present pro- ties the Western Maryland group partici- grams in which the students arc currently pates throughout the year in state and reo interested. The first few meetings of this gionul meetings. 138
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