Page 144 - YB1948_Classical
P. 144
~'irst Row: ~l. Mou, H. Amos, C. McN!lbb, M. P(lwell, N. Wrigll1. Se"oIPd Now: E. Smilil, Sponsor, B. lillie, M. Adams, C. Royer, M. Koblegurd. J. Daughtrey. Third Row: 1\. Hess. O. Sn1tzgaver, D. Bailey, J. Leonard, B. Mathias, c. Goodrich. COLLEGE PLAYERS tivities" and other privations which the Col- This year's seniors put the college play- lege Players give up to their productions. ers "on the road" by proving their merits in their production of "Claudia", an inti- The Sophomore Players took exclusive mate glimpse into the everyday lives of the option on the Christmas play, which con- Connecticut Naughtons. Belly Little car- cluded the college Christmas program. ried the title role, while Bob Mathias Tn March, the Junior College Players brought to life her beloved, butlong-suffer- faced the footlights with their annual pres- ing David. And who can Forget Ruby entation of one-act plays. Anna Hess ran Stein's mad, mad performance as Da- the gamut as, of all things, an actress, in ruschka? Martha Adams, Marcia Koble- the curtain-raiser, "The Purple Door gard, Chris Hoyer, Jimmie Leonard, and Knob." The remaining parts in "Resurrec- Donald Bailey turned in their customary tion Ezra", and "When Shakespeare's La. polished characterizations. The enthusias- dies Meet" were fined by juniors and tic reception of "Claudia" was payment in fuIl for the weeks of curtailed "social ac- sophomores. 141
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