Page 140 - YB1948_Classical
P. 140
Semcd: C. Groby, R. Frtngo, W. Cook, J. B~ekinghnl11. C. Pfcrdeort. E: Wright, J. Ogden, O. Brewer. Stand· ill';: C. Mcintire, 1. Ammon, C. White, L. justice, C. MUIlII, W. Ehlers, 1. !laskIn, B. Day, C. :\ckcnnun, C. Franko, tt. Wilsey,.I. Culotta. WESELYANS ing the student preparing for a life of ser- President GEORGE PFEIlDEORT vice in the name of Christianity. V ice-President. EDWARD WHIGHT Tn co-operation with the Weslcyanettes, Secretary JACK BUCKINGIIAM the group conducts a regular worship ser- vice at the Methodist Home for the Aged The Wesleyans, a fellowship of under- every Sunday evening. Six members hold graduate men who plan to enter the minis- student appointments in Methodist. Confer- try or some other field of Christian service, ences, and others of the group participate is now in its sixth year of official existence from time to time in worship services in the on the Hill. Its membership, which has community. been greatly augmented in the past two The highlight of the group's activities is years, now approximates twenty-five. the banquet held each year just. prior to Mr. John Bayley Jones serves as adviser vacation. Through this fellowship the Wes- to the group, which holds weekly meetings leyans hope 10 go forth to serve with deep- in the Chapel of the Westminster Seminary, ened faith, wider sympathies, and a greater consisting of a brief period of worship fol- understanding of the needs of their fellow- lowed by discussion of some problem Fac- men. 137
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