Page 136 - YB1948_Classical
P. 136
Sected r T. QueiGh, J. Cohen, F. Hay, P. Houck. Slnndi"g: D. Grauel, E. Wright. W. COWIIIl. T. Knmpunek. TUE GOLD BUG EDITORIAL STAFF tinuous headaches, editor Fern Ray and her staff capably produced a top-notch Eduor-in-Chiej FERN RAY paper. Managing Editor JEAN COHEN To commemorate twenty-five years of News Editor LENORE HOFFMAN publication, an anniversary number was Feauue Editor JANICE LEE: GANZ issued in time for Homecoming Weekend. Sports Eduor I{OBEBT DUBEL Through reprints of articles and pictures oJ Copy Editors BETTY LEE ROBBINS, former Gold Bugs the staff resurrected an- Tu EODA LEE KOM PANEK cient buildings, quaint social customs, and former athletic glories. BUSINESS STAFF Publishing a newspaper did not consti- Business Manager PI·IYT.L1S HOUCK lute the only activity of The Gold Bug. An was the project and successful Ad'verlising Manager TED QUELCH ambitious and selling of WMC desk calen. arranging Circulation Manager DELLA GHAUEL (lars. And, 0[" course, there was the usual Adviser DH. LINCOLN LOBENZ successful Sadie Hawkins dance. Upon completion of Editor Ray's duties This year marked the twenty- fifth birth- in February, Jean Cohen took over to pilot day of The Cold Bug, and despite last min- the paper through another successful semes- ute deadlines, endless re-writes, and COIl- ter. 133
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