Page 138 - YB1948_Classical
P. 138
TIlE SUNDAY SnlOOL President VlRGINIA DODD year under the guidance 0(' Dr. Holthaus. Men's Vice-President WALTEIl McJ1LTON TI has utilized the International Lesson Women's Vice-President LILLIAN LINES series in all endeavor to function in a more Secretary-Treasurer GEOHGE COULTEH worthwhi Ie manner. These lessons have fostered discussion and study, and the Sun- The William C. Baker Sunday School is day School has become more vital in the a non-denominational organization on the lives of the students. The discussions have campus, participated in by students who been led by both faculty members and stu- are interesting in studying the Bible and dents, so that the subject matter has been the application of Christianity to campus approached from var-ious viewpoints and life and world nffairs. It was founded in the members were able to become better ac- 1872 by William McDaniel, and differs quainted with members of the faculty, stu- rrom the usual type of Sunday School ill dent body, and friends of the college, who that it recognizes no individual differences in their discussions presented phi losophies of age, race or creed. which could not be revealed in the class- The Sunday School has progressed 111i5 rooms or elsewhere 011 campus. RO/v: R. Puss, i\l. Dodd, V. Dodd, L Lines, P. Kaetzel. Second Row: W. Cowan, C. Coulter, Dr. Holthaus. 135
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