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THE ALOHA EDITORIAL STAFF stand what that creation eutails. The year- book is "born" in the mind of one or more Editor MARY HERSHFELO persons _ .. it is carefully planned for in Assistant Editors HUBY STEIN, FHANK MIDDLETON advance, just as a child is carefully planned Copy Editors AOELENE HOPKINS, for by its parents. Even the most cautious and well-consid- GEORGE JOHNSON Sports Editors KITTY BROWN, BOB DUBEL ered plan for growth, however, must meet will face The child some rough water. Photography Editor DOROTHY SCOTT never-considered difficulties: his progress Typing Editor MARY JANE CORBETT in life may, perhaps, cause his parents to Chief Prooireader FERN RAY throw up their hands in dismay. Despera- tion can come to the yearbook staff when BUSINESS STAFF' apparently insurmountable difficulties 100m Business Manager PHYLLIS HOUCK ahead. College life bas a way of stulu- Assistant Business Manager fying even the most "foolproof" yearbook DOROTHY WILDER schedule. Advertising Manager DONALD BROI-lAWN Many dreams have a way of coming true. Subscription: Manager CEOIlGE CARB The parents see their child begin to fulfill their hopes and expectations. And the year- Only a parent can fully understand what book staff sees its creation in its final form: it is to rear a child; only that person who the culmination of arduous hOUTS of work has helped create a yearbook can under- and the achievement of a goal. Sealed: F. Middleton, M. Hershfeld, R. Slein, P. Houck, D. Br(lliawn, K. Brown. Slrmding: M. Keiser, G. John- son, F. flay, 1\1. Willer, D. ScOll, D. Wilder. 132
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