Page 134 - YB1948_Classical
P. 134
Seotcd: S. Dixon, 1'. Chuucrton, S. Smith, J. Parker, P. Houck. SIOl/lli,lg; A. Clockler, S. Bankert, S. Wine. procedure. The system, while more diffi- novices and sharks in bridge, pinochle, cult to administer, proved worth the extra pool, and pingpong. A new juke box was effort both in volume and validity of vot- installed early in the second semester in the ing. Management of the coke concession at game room. varsity games passed this year to the stu- A partially successful effort to flood the dent governments, which assigned equiva- tennis courts for ice skating occupied the lent portions of the season to the four fra- weeks immediately after the beginning of ternities for their benefit. the second semester. The old tradition of a bonfire and pep Both men and women flocked to see the assembly before the Homecoming game annual Women's Student Covemmenr-spon. was revived. We distributed desk blotters sored movie, "The Women." to each person en campus early in the year, As the year drew to a close, the student and sponsored the informal freshman get- governments worked together to make this acquainted meetings during Freshman year's May Day the memorable occasion it \Veek. Tournaments were sponsored ill the has always been in the traditions of the early part of the year and attracted bOU1 Hill. 131
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