Page 133 - YB1948_Classical
P. 133
H. Gemmill, 1. Giannelli, S. Humilton, E, CUSIlCll, W. COWUII, S. Knepp, D. Welliver STUDENT GOVERNMENTS President, Men's Student Government A sympathetic administration has greeted EDWARD CUSHEN, sincere student efforts to accomplish de- President, rvomen's Student Government sired ends with wholehearted cooperation. SALLY SJI.'1ITl-I The college installed drinking fountains in V ice-President PATBICIA CHATTEBTON Secretary JOYCE PARKE[{ the classroom and library buildings in reo Treasurer SUE DIXON spouse to our suggestion. In order to increase the publication of The major task of the student govern- news, both a calendar of events and a daily ments this year was the preparation of a bulletin were posted in the game room. new constitution, under which both COLLtlĀ· Several student assemblies were sponsored cils would be empowered to act as a single in which issues of both a campus and ana- body. The great majority or the work was tiona! nature were discussed. We revised done this year in combined meetings and the voting techniques on campus elections results indicate that such a reorganization by initiatillg an individual balloting system is desirable. to replace the customary mass balloting 130
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