Page 132 - YB1945_Classical
P. 132
K",!Clillg: IJ. CI"JIl, D. 8rol",,,, .., H. C;II"I't.cll, R. DII~hicll; S1(IIId;III;' J. CulhH"c, J. 8"rnc~, K. lJollchcllc, J. Brunt. RIFLE TEAM A her a lapse of three years the 1944·45 make a very fine showing in the Third SdlOOI year marked the re-entry of Western Service Eonunand Intercollegiate match. Maryland College into the field of Inter- finishing fourth among the seventeen uni- collegiate Rifle Competition. And what a versities and colleges from Virginia, Mary. re-entry it was! The current edition of lund and Pennsylvania. the Hifle Team compiled the finest record Eleven of the thirteen men comprising ever made by a team representing \Vestern the team are members of the Freshman Maryland in National Rifle matches and class, making the record even more reo will go down in the annals of college ath- markable, for the majority of these lIlCJI lotio history as one of the greatest teams had never fired in competition before corn- of all limes. ing 10 Wcstern Maryland; a tribute indeed III the William Randolph Hearst Trophy to the expert coaching of Capt. Richards National ROTC Rifle Match two teams rep· and Sgt. Puryear of the Militeey Depart. resenting Western Maryland won second ment. and third places among the colleges repre· senting the Third Service Command and Team members (Place indicates team seventh and sixteenth places respectively in standing) : the National Standings; thus bringing 1. Bruner, E. 8. Brohawn, C. home to Westcrn Maryland two trophies 2. Dashiell, T. 9. Bourquin, W. and ten medals. Over one hundred and 3. Chen, B. LO. Culhane, J. fifty universities and colleges throughout 4.. Turner, W. Ll. Campbell, H. the country took purl in these matches. 5. Brant, J. 12. Bouehelle, K. r n spite of the loss of several key ruen to 6. Hall, R. 13. Barnes, J. the armed forces the team managed to 7. Herr.O. 129
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