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The COFFMAN-FISHER Co. THREE STARS m. CARROLL COUNTY'S ••,.r SA TTLE FLAG DEPARTMENT STORE 11 East Main Street PHONE 102 The City Restaurant Where Tasty Foods are Served PHILLIPS PACKING CO., INC. ?...c~_T,mePack.,. of 59 Va,i.'ie. of P~;II,p. Oet;c;ou, Conned Food. West Main Street CAM8RtOGf,MARVLAND Westminster, Md. liililllllililillllillllllllllllillllllllllilltlllllililltlilililllllltlllllllilllllll@l!!llIIlIl!1IIItllllllllll! PHONES 558-559 Piel, Anna Ellen 5517 Cwynn Oak Ave., Stoner, Lucy 11llte Washington ]{d .. Westminster, ~'1d. Bahimore 7, Md. Porta, Vernelle Cullen 2413 Memorial Ave., Suddith, Charlotte Elean", 308 Longfellow Sr., N.W., 11, D. C. Washillgton Lynchburg, Vn. Powell, Virginia Carland 64{l9 Connecticut Ave., Thomas, AJa Fmnces R.D. No.3, Milford, DeL :>1., Chevy Chase IS, '1-1.1. Vanderbeek, Mildred Lo"i~a 2917 S. Buchanan Randall, Ilarbaru Jeatlelte 111 W. Stratford Av.~., Fairlingtoll, Va. Lansdowne, Pa. Van Fossen, Irene Mae Route 2, Frederick, i\'1d. lieese, Janet Lee Owing, Mills, Md. Voorhees, Virginia Cail 209 Fourth St.. Pa. Reese, l\-1ary Louise Willi, St., Westminster, l'I-!.rl. \Vahm~"n, Frances Virginia 5S18 Monessen, Ave .. Wesley Richler, Barbara Jean 6 Clifton Ave .. Baltimore 7, Md. Merchanlv:ille, N. 1. Welsh, .Marjory Alice 1028 F Sr., Ridgely. Helen Louise Sykesville, Md. Sparrows Point 19, Md. Runyon, Eleanor Hilda 54{)7 Browning Hd., Willis, Ruth Louise 828 Mulberry Ave, Merchantville, N. J. Hagerstown, Md. Samuels, Arlene Michele 1457 Deltter SI.. Wih;on, Carolyn Rhodesdale, ~Id. Denv.:r 7, Col&. Wilson, i\iarie Ellen Naylor, Md. Schum~n!l, Margaret Catherine 700 N. Kenwood Ave .. Young, Erma Lucille H. 5. \Vestmi"st~r, I\-Id. Baltimore 5, i\'td. Seltzer, Mindel Heva 2938 O'Donnell 51 .. SOI>HOMORE MEN Bahimore 24, M.:!. Austin, Rodney Elmer Shauck, Alice Witlifred finksburg, Md. Bertholf, Malt Erwin Mardela Springs, Md. Md. Shipley, Nancy Lee Savage, M!1. Westminster, Eaton s., SI.iriey, Mary Jean Homewood Apts., Brant, Jean Edwin 4{)2 S. Baltimore 18, Md. Bllltimore 24, Md. Brown, Frederick J~mes 616 BrUllswick sr., Stev~n~, Ann Isabel 3033 WooJland the .. Brunswick, ;\ld. B~ltimore 15, i\!J. Carr, George Lalley Stewart, Dorothy Marie McD~niel. ~Id. Conk, William Ceorge, Jr. Uppercov Md. Stone, Constance Co.mtry Club Rd., York. Pu. 330 S. Monroe Sr .. Baltimore, Md.
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