Page 134 - YB1945_Classical
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Mr. HarryC. I\dkills Salisbury, Mel. Mr. John H. Baker Baltimore, M{1. I'vlr. and Mrs. Meyer Berman Baltimore. M(1. Mr . Phillip H. Campbell Westminster,l\·lcl. l\k Russell S. Davis Cambridge, Md. Mr. George W. Dexter Ballimore. Md. Miss Ann Fullerton Elsmere, Del. Mr. John S. Geiman Weslmillster,M{I. 1\11'. Henry Gilligan Washington, D. C. Pfe. Arlie Mansberger Univ. 01 Md. Medical School, Bohimore, Md. Mr. Daniel MacLea Baltimore, Md. Mrs. T. R. Matthews Baltimore, Md. Mr. Milford 1\'lIlh1111 Cambridge, Md. Dr. L. Irving Pollitt Baltimore, Md. Miss Sarajane Remsburg Keedysville, Md. PIc. and Mrs. Harry Rudick Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Seltzer Baltimore, Md. Bessie and Schlehne Seltzer Baltimore, M(I. Cpl. and Mrs. George F. Stephens Baltimure, Md. Miss Ann I. Stevens Baltimore, Md. The Reverend Bishop James H. Straughn Pittsburgh, Pe. Alumni Association of Western Md. College Wcstlliinster, Md. Benny's Kitchen Westminster,Md. Evelyn Beauty Shop Wesllliinster,Md. Hutzler Brothers Co. Baltimore, T\1d. Ko Ed Club Westminster, Md. Rexall Drug Store Westrninster,Md. E. M. Skinner, Jr., Co. Cambridge, Mft 131